Relevant Readings

Sprouting Seeds

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time: How is your faith like a seed? In what ways are you growing in your faith? Who helps you grow in your faith? ...

Spirit of Faith

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: When have you had to ask God for forgiveness? How can you trust the Lord? In what ways can you grow in trust with God? ...

This Is My Body

Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: What does the Eucharist mean to you? How have you been held back in your relationship with Christ? ...

Mystery in Trinity

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity: What do the different parts of the Trinity mean to you? Where can you find the Trinity at work in your life? ...

Spirit Among Us

Pentecost: Where do you find the Holy Spirit in your own life? Where do you fit into the body of the Church? ...

Letting God In

Seventh Sunday of Easter: How big a role does your faith play in your own decision-making process? What do you feel God is calling you to? ...
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