Nora Bradbury-Haehl
Nora Bradbury-Haehl is the author of The Freshman Survival Guide from Hachette Book Group. She is a contributing editor at bustedhalo.com and a full-time parish youth minister who has worked in parish and diocesan youth and young adult ministry for more than 20 years. She is the author of ScriptureWalk, and ScriptureWalk: Discipleship, and was a writer for Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics all with St. Mary’s Press.

Jessica Coblentz
Jessica Coblentz currently serves as the pastoral minister for young adult ministry at the Paulist Center in downtown Boston. Previously, she was an intern for young adult ministry at the Office of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles where she developed extensive training materials and workshops for young adult ministers. In 2010, Jessica participated in L.A.’s annual Religious Education Congress as a panelist speaker on young adult Catholic experience. Her popular writing on Catholicism and young adult life has been featured online and in print, including the anthology From the Pews in the Back: Young Women and Catholicism (Liturgical Press, 2009) and NCCL’s Catechetical Leader magazine. Jessica holds degrees from Santa Clara University and Harvard Divinity School and she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in theology at Boston College.

Keara Coughlin Ette
Keara Coughlin Ette serves as the director of young adult ministry at Old St. Patrick’s Church in downtown Chicago. Her role in ministering to and with young adults includes both outreach to young adults, inviting them into an expression of the faith in community, and in-reach – work with young adults whose lives are intersecting with the church in some way as she coordinates and leads the RCIA process, baptism preparation for parents and godparents, adult confirmation, and college ministries at Old St. Pat’s. Keara has a master’s of divinity from the University of Notre Dame.

Father Dave Dwyer, CSP
Father Dave Dwyer, CSP, is a Paulist priest and Executive Director of Busted Halo Ministries. He is the publisher of BustedHalo.com which has been honored with top awards from the Catholic Press Association and the Associated Church Press, and the host of “The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave,” a call-in radio talk show airing five nights a week on SiriusXM radio on which he answers questions of faith for over thirty million subscribers (6-8 p.m. Eastern time on The Catholic Channel, ch.129). On the same channel, he co-hosts the weekly show, “Conversation with Cardinal Dolan” with New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan, which also airs on EWTN and other Catholic television networks. Fr. Dave is also the host of the “Sacraments 101” video series on YouTube and one of the creators of “Young Adult Ministry in a Box”, a digital resource for starting up ministry to those in their 20s & 30s. He has been the recipient of The Daughters of St. Paul’s Cordero Award and was featured in the book New York Catholics: Faith, Attitude and the Works! He has offered commentary on NBC Nightly News, Fox & Friends, CNN, The New York Times, ABC News, The Today Show, and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” among others. Father Dave served in campus ministry at the Universities of Colorado and Texas, and worked with the Archdiocese for the Military Services to develop a multi-media young adult peer ministry program. Prior to being ordained, he produced and directed TV programs for MTV, HBO and Comedy Central. He holds a Masters of Divinity from the Catholic University of America and a Bachelor of Science degree in communication from Syracuse University.

Becky Eldredge
Becky Eldredge was the inaugural coordinator of young adult ministry for the Diocese of Baton Rouge. In addition, Becky works with the University of Georgia’s Catholic Center and its campus ministry program. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from Louisiana State University and a master’s in pastoral studies from Loyola University New Orleans. She is currently working to obtain a certificate in spiritual direction from Spring Hill College. She is the author of the blog: “Everything is Holy Now” where she invites her readers to connect faith and everyday life. While ministry is one of her passions, her greatest joy is sharing life with her husband and two children.

Mike Hayes
Mike Hayes co-founded BustedHalo.com in December 2001. In addition to his work at Busted Halo, Mike is the director of campus ministry at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. A frequent speaker on ministering to young adults, Mike is the author of Googling God: The Religious Landscape of People in Their 20s and 30s with Paulist Press and Loving Work: A Spiritual Guide to Finding the Work We Love and Brining Love to the Word We Do with Orbis Press.. In 2002, Mike received a Catholic Press Association Award for his article “Transformation and the 20′s and 30′s Crowd” that appeared in Share the Word magazine. Before working in ministry, Mike produced radio talk shows at WFAN and WOR in New York and also covered major league baseball for NPR and WOR. Mike and his wife, Marion, are residents of Amherst, New York, where they live with their dog, Haze.

Paul Jarzembowski
Paul Jarzembowski is the Program Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Paul has served for over seven years at the helm of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association, which networks, trains, and resources church leaders across the country in the field of young adult ministry. He has been a contributing author to several books, blogs, and publications including The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders (Loyola Press, 2010) and Young and Catholic in America (Paulist Press, 2010). He is a regular columnist and film reviewer for Faith Catholic. He received his M.A. in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University Chicago and is married and lives in the greater Chicago area.

Amy McEntee
Amy McEntee is an assistant director in the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. She currently serves as the chairperson of the executive board for the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association. Amy holds a bachelor’s of science in education and taught high school English prior to entering the field of catechetical ministry. With ministry experience in faith formation for children, youth and adults, Amy has served as a consultant and presenter, most frequently in the areas of the use of social media in ministry, intergenerational ministry and ministry to young adults. She is finishing her master’s degree in theological studies at the University of Dayton. In addition to her professional interests, Amy is an amateur photographer, avid reader, and reluctant runner. Amy lives with her husband, Patrick, in Dayton, Ohio.