Laboring for Others This Labor Day
Take some time to labor for others in your parish community — identifying people who could use a little extra help around the house, yard, or garden …
Life Lessons in the Movies
Gather young adults to watch a movie and discuss issues of faith in the film. This Step-by-Step program gives you ideas for movies …
How Do You ‘Roll’ With God?
Host a fun evening of sushi making (and eating), fellowship, and spiritual reflection!
Be a Blessing
Plan a mission experience of volunteer service in your own parish and help young adults get to know God through the work of their hands.
Creative Book Club Idea
Engage young adults and members of the larger parish in exploring life and faith themes in the books they are reading and build intergenerational connections …
Plan a Summer Camping Retreat
Head outdoors with young adults and enjoy this summer weekend retreat with time for fellowship, spiritual reflection, exploring nature …