Walking Together

The weather has turned warm and there are probably plenty of young adults who are just looking for an excuse to head outdoors!

Service Retreat

This weekend retreat focuses on service to others in light of our Baptismal call. It invites participants to pray and reflect on the ideas of call, service, and mission, not only in direct service opportunities but to their experience within their faith community. This Step-by-Step Program will provide you with all of the planning details.

Holy Heroes

This event will bring the stories of saints to life using “Saints for Our Times,” shared reflection, and discussion. This Step-by-Step Program will give you all the details.

Journey Toward Salvation

This Step-by-Step Program features speakers, discussion, and a prayer service that will help young adults strengthen and renew their baptismal commitment and learn about their connection to the Body of Christ.

Sushi & Spirituality

This Step-by-Step Program invites young adults to gather for an informal evening of sushi making (and eating) and spiritual reflection centered on uplifting young adults in their faith.

Making Relief Kits

Gather with young adults to assemble relief kits for people affected by natural disasters around the world. This Step-by-Step Program will help you plan the event.