Saints For Our Times

Venerable Matt Talbot

Matt Talbot, even though he is not officially a saint, is known as the patron saint of alcoholics and sobriety since he used his faith to help him get sober ...

St. Justin Martyr

St. Justin Martyr was born around the year 100 in Samaria, a province of Palestine. His parents were Greek pagans who provided Justin with an…

St. Honoré of Amiens

St. Honoré of Amiens was the sixth bishop of Amiens. During his time as bishop in the seventh century, he helped recover relics which had…

Saint Dominic Savio

Saint Dominic Savio was born April 2, 1842, in Italy. At the age of 12, Dominc was sent to attend John Bosco’s Oratory in Turin. He quickly became...
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