Have few sponsors for your booming RCIA ministry? Fear not, the Association for Catechumenal Ministry’s RCIA Blog has come up with a helpful article on gathering people gifted for this ministry into your process. A snip:
As participants receive their sacraments, ask sponsors if they would like to become a “parish sponsor.” While the parish bulletin might seem an obvious place to “put out your nets,” some caution may be called for. Not all are called to this delicate ministry and turning someone away after you have asked for volunteers can lead to hurt feelings. When I am approached by a parishioner interested in becoming a sponsor (non-solicited), I meet with them and go over the “potential sponsor form,” which is included in the appendix of the R.C.I.A. Leader’s Manual. If you conduct sponsor trainings every 2-3 months, you can be adding to your list year-round. New sponsors can attend and then be assigned as needed. Part of the agreement should be that the parish sponsor may need to be re-assigned if it isn’t a good fit.