Readings for August 10, 2014 — 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19:9A, 11-13A; Psalm 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:22-33
Suggested Reflection Questions:
Often times we think that God only speaks to us in a grandiose manner. However today’s reading from Kings shows us that God can speak to us even in a whispering sound. In what ways can you change your current habits to better hear God speaking to you? What prevents you from listening?
In today’s psalm, we ask The Lord to let us see his kindness. Just as in the first reading, it is often the smaller things that go unnoticed or unheard. In what ways do you see The Lord’s kindness on a daily basis — no matter how small?
- In the Gospel reading from Matthew, the disciples see Jesus walking on water. Shocked by what he sees, Peter asks Jesus to command him to come to Jesus on the water. Peter walks on the water but begins to sink when he notices the strong winds around them. Jesus grabs his hand and says it was Peter’s doubt that led him to sink. It is easy for us to lose faith during turbulent times in our lives but God is always there to pick us back up. What was a time you began to fall either physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Who helped lift you up? How did you show appreciation for how it made you feel?