Readings for Sunday, December 29 — Feast of the Holy Family
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; Psalm 128:1-5; Colossians 3:12-21; Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- The reading from the Wisdom of Ben Sirach reminds us of the significance of strong family relationships built on love, respect, and kindness. How are our familial relationships connected to our relationship with God? How can we use the example of the Holy Family as a template for loving homes?
- Paul’s letter to the Colossians offers a rubric for holy and fruitful relationships. He encourages his Christian sisters and brothers to abound in love, forgiveness, and patience and to allow the peace of Christ to control their hearts. As the New Year swiftly approaches, in what areas of Paul’s exhortation do you resolve to grow in 2014?
- Heeding the warning of an angel in Joseph’s dream, the Holy Family flees Bethlehem to find refuge in Egypt. The little tribe of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph spend the early part of their family life trying to avoid danger. What does today’s Gospel lesson teach us about the Holy Family? How can the early perils inspire us to help families in our neighborhoods who find themselves in crisis?