
Readings for Sunday, October 12 — 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 25: 6-10A; Psalm 23: 1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 21:1-14

Suggested Reflection Questions:

  • The psalm we encounter today is likely one that we have all heard. It is usually read at funerals, for instance. However, the psalm is so popular, perhaps, because its words are so powerful. Read the psalm once more thinking about how you can apply this psalm not to the end of life but rather to all of life. Where in your life do you need the Lord, the Shepherd, right now?

  • In the second reading to the Philippians, we hear of the “secret” of being well-fed and going hungry, no matter the circumstance. What is this secret? We also hear the line “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” Are you spiritually well-fed or hungry in your life today? What nourishment do you need from God? How can you make God your anchor, regardless of what life throws at you?

  • In the Gospel, we hear the well-known tale of the guests being invited to the wedding feast. Which group of guests do you identify with? What do you make of the man who came to the wedding but without the proper garment? What message do you think that part of the story is trying to send?