Readings for Sunday, December 15 — Third Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 35:1-6A, 10; Psalm 146:6-10;James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- Today is the third Sunday of Advent which is often referred to as Gaudete (Latin for be joyful) Sunday. The reading from the Prophet Isaiah paints a picture of overflowing joy at the coming of the God who saves. The coming One saves his people and his creation from every sorrow and affliction. He assuages their fears. What sorrow in your own life and the life of the world do you need to offer the coming One this week? How does the joy of Christ’s coming cast out fear?
- The psalmist sings a song of praise to the Lord who is just and compassionate. The refrain pleads for God’s coming salvation. How does the psalmist’s hymn serve as a model for our own Advent prayer?
- Jesus mirrors the first text from the Prophet Isaiah in his answer to John’s disciples who have come to inquire if he is the Savior. He instructs them to go and tell John what they have heard and seen. How are we called to tell about what we have heard and seen this Advent? Do we sometimes take offense at Jesus?