Readings for Sunday, May 1, 2022 — Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:27-32, 40B-41; Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- The apostles are brought before the religious authorities for failing to heed their warning about preaching and teaching in Jesus’ name. Having been humiliated by the Sanhedrin, the apostles leave rejoicing. They have been found worthy to suffer dishonor for Jesus. Are we willing to suffer dishonor as bearers of God’s good news of love, justice, and liberation? In what ways are we called to find joy in sacrificing our pride for the Gospel?
- The psalmist describes feelings of joy and gratitude for God’s steadfast love. God has turned a night of weeping into a joyful dawn and transformed mourning into dancing. Our Lenten season — filled with the mourning of our sins — has come to an end. We have entered into the joyful season of Easter with the assurance of God’s conquering mercy. How can the Church share this joy with the world? What are some ideas of how we as individuals can share it?
- Simon Peter and John encounter the Risen Lord as they fish early in the morning. Even though Peter has denied Jesus three times, Jesus commissions him three times to tend the flock of the faithful. Peter’s dishonor at betraying Jesus has been transformed into the honor of being entrusted with the care of the early Church. Why do you believe Jesus gave Peter such an honor? How can we mirror Jesus’ forgiveness of Peter in our own lives?