Readings for Sunday, August 22 — 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Joshua 24:1-2A, 15-17, 18A; Psalm 34:2-3, 16-21; Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2A, 25-32; John 6:60-69
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- How do you serve God in your day to day life?
- The psalm is partly repeated from last week to this week. Why do you think the Church decided to repeat it? What do you think is so important about this particular psalm? Is there anything new that stands out to you this week?
- The second reading talks about marriage and Christ’s relation to the Church. What do you think it means for Christ to be married to the Church?
- Clearly, even some of Jesus’ followers struggled to follow him. How have you struggled to follow Jesus? What are some areas in your life that you could better follow God? How have you succeeded in being a faithful follower of Christ?