Readings for July 27, 2014 — 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 3:5, 7-12; Psalms 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130; Romans 8:28-30; Matthew 13:44-52
Suggested Reflection Questions:
In the first reading, God gives Solomon the gift of a wise and understanding heart. Since Solomon’s request was genuine and not malicious, God responded to it. What decisions do you have to make that would benefit from a wise and understanding heart? How will you ask God for help with that decision this week?
The psalm this week says, “Lord, I love your commands.” Why is it sometimes difficult for us to follow God’s commandments? What are some that you have the most difficulty with?
This week’s Gospel continues from last week and includes more parables. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net. It contains a wide variety of people from all different places in their lives. The same attention is given to everyone and it is up to God alone to judge who will and will not enter His Kingdom. What can you do to live a life more like Jesus? What changes are necessary for you to stop judging others and focus on your own path? How can you grow closer to God on your own without pointing fingers at what “everyone else” seems to be doing?