Readings for Sunday, February 5, 2017 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 58:7-10; Psalm 112:4-9; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16
Suggested Reflection Questions:
- The Prophet Isaiah shares God’s promise that those who help the poor and vulnerable will receive the protection of God. Those who comfort the suffering and banish oppression in their midst will enjoy God’s help in their time of need. We are called first and foremost to help those closest to us. What forms of suffering and oppression touch our everyday lives? How can we help?
- The first letter Paul writes to the Church in Corinth details the state he was in right after his conversion. Paul, a former persecutor of the Church, could not rely on the power of persuasive or wise words to convince this community of his sincerity. Instead his weakness and total dependence on the Holy Spirit helped them understand his conversion. In what ways do we rely on human wisdom and persuasive rhetoric to discern right and wrong? What happens when, as Paul writes, our faith rests on human wisdom?
- Jesus assures his disciples that they are to be out in the world doing good deeds to bring glory to the Father. Would someone know by your deeds that you are a Christian?