St. Rose Venerini (1656-1728) spent time in a convent before ultimately discerning that she was called to use her gifts in the world, not within a cloister. She brought a group of women together in her home for prayer, and she organized many schools for girls across Italy. Rose felt called to provide for the education and Christian formation of women, and she persevered in her mission despite many hurdles. Today the order of women she founded is called the Venerini Sisters, and she was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006. St. Rose Venerini’s feast day is May 7.
“I find myself so bound to the divine will that neither death nor life is important: I want to live as He wishes and I want to serve Him as He likes, and nothing more.”
Questions for Reflection:
Every person has a unique call from God to use one’s gifts in service to the world. Sometimes we are called to prayer; sometimes we are called to action. What specific gifts do you have that the world needs? What is your mission in the world? How can you live as God wishes more courageously?