St. Julian of Antioch was born in Turkey; little is known about his early life. He was a senator, who was arrested because of his Christian beliefs. Emperor Diocletian persecuted him and sentenced him to death. He was tortured, and then forcibly paraded through Turkey every day for a whole year. For his final punishment, he was thrown into a sack filled with scorpions and vipers and cast into the sea. Saint John Chrysostom preached a homily in Julian’s honor at the Antioch basilica, where he and his relics are buried. His feast day is March 16.
“We pray today, Father, not only for the persecuted but also for those who persecute others. For all who walk in darkness and do not have the love of Christ within, we pray for their enlightenment and salvation. Amen.” — Prayer for St. Julian
Questions for Reflection
- Like many early Christians, St. Julian of Antioch was tortured for his beliefs. Have you had moments of emotional torture in your life? How have you handled them?
- Do you pray for your enemies? What difference might that make in the way you perceive them?
Tip: This week, don’t let the haters get to you — if you’re having a problem with someone, talk to them about it. Get a counselor or friend to help if you need to.