St. Elzear and Blessed Delphina

Elzear of Sabran (1285-1323) and Delphine of Glandeves (1284-1358) were a married couple. On their wedding night, Delphine told Elzear that she had taken a vow of perpetual virginity, and he decided to follow her lead. Together, they joined the Third Order of the Franciscans and lived a life of prayer and service to the poor, even as they upheld their responsibilities in the secular world. (Elzear continued to be a military and political leader in France and Italy). They invited the poor to dine at their table, and ensured that their household upheld a virtuous and holy way of life. They had no children, yet their marriage bore many spiritual fruits in the world. Their feast day is September 26.

“Go often to visit our amiable Lord Jesus Christ in the holy sacrament. Enter in spirit His Sacred Heart. You know that to be my constant dwelling. You will always find me there (in adoration).” — St. Elzear of Sabran

Questions for Reflection

Today, we do not necessarily equate a vow of celibacy with a holy marriage. How do you think holiness gets lived out in a real marriage (or any romantic relationship)?