Angela and her sister went to live with her uncle in Salo, Italy, after they were orphaned when Angela was 15. Her sister died without receiving her last rites, which distressed Angela until she had a vision that her sister was in heaven. Angela suddenly became blind in Crete while traveling to the Holy Land, but was cured of her blindness on her return trip. She joined the third order of St. Francis and was widely admired for her beauty, especially her hair. Pope Clement VII invited Angela to stay in Rome, but she declined due to her dislike of notoriety. Along with 12 other women, Angela fulfilled a vision when she founded the Company of St. Ursula, virgins who dedicate their lives to providing a religious education to young women and helping the poor. She is the patron saint of handicapped people, and her feast day is January 27.
Questions for Reflection:
Even after St. Angela was blinded she continued her voyage, experiencing every place in her heart. How do you experience God in your heart?
- Have you ever experienced something negative that could have impaired your ability to do what you love? How did you respond?