Alban is the first recorded Christian martyr in the British Isles, or the British protomartyr. He was a Roman soldier and a pagan. He is said to have sheltered a Christian priest who was fleeing persecution. After talking at length, Alban converted to Christianity, and allowed the priest to escape. When the officers arrived, Alban met them dressed in the priest’s cloak and was arrested. When he refused to renounce his new faith, Alban was beheaded, becoming the first Christian British martyr. The second was the executioner who, after hearing Alban’s testimony, also converted to Christianity. The third martyr was the priest, who heard the Alban had been arrested in his place and hurried to the court to try to turn himself in to save him. St. Alban’s feast day is June 22.
Questions for Reflection:
- Do you listen to others, even when you believe them to have different beliefs than you?
- What have you learned by just listening?
- What can you do to be a better listener?