Saint Rupert was born in the seventh century in France. Known as a simple God-fearing man at a young age, Rupert eventually became the bishop of Worms. After some time Rupert traveled to Bavaria to convert towns scattered along the Danube River. Soon after, he founded the town of Salzburg where he built a church, a monastery, and established a new convent. By virtue of these efforts, Rupert has been considered the first archbishop of the diocese there. Saint Rupert died in Salzburg in the early eighth century. He is the patron saint of Salzburg and salt miners. His feast day is March 27.
Young Adult Ministry Program Idea: Celebrate the diversity of cultures in your young adult group or community. Host a potluck and invite young adults to bring examples of food and drink from other cultures. Discuss the value of experiencing and learning about other cultures. Ask young adults: How have you been influenced by another culture?