Social media sensation “Humans of New York” (HONY) has taken the Internet by storm with memorable photos and stories of everyday New Yorkers. HONY’s creator and photographer Brandon Stanton shares images that capture a person’s deepest essence and character. He shares the real stories of his subjects’ lives and in turn inspires and challenges his followers. Share this Busted Halo article about HONY and its connection to Catholic Social Teaching and use these discussion questions to start a conversation about being made in the image and likeness of God:
- Have you heard of/seen HONY images? What do you think of them? Do you have any favorites that stick out in your mind?
- What does it mean to be made in the image and likeness of God? What does that change about our interactions with one another? With people we don’t know or people who are different from us?
- The author talks about the brokenness in today’s world. Where do you see that brokenness? In what ways do you feel broken?
- In what ways might you connect with the suffering and brokenness of others? How do you imagine this might impact your spiritual life?