Technology meets fitness in the very popular Fitbit wristbands (and other products) that help you track your exercise and fitness routines. These devices have helped many people live healthier and more active lives. What if you were to design a Spiritual Fitbit to get your spiritual life in shape? What would your Spiritual Fitbit track? What would help you get stay more dedicated and focused on your faith and spiritual well-being? Busted Halo’s Ann Turner shares her insights in this article. Share it with young adults and discuss ways to get — and stay — in good spiritual shape.
- What tools or regular practices help you stay focused on your faith and spiritual journey? What everyday encounters keep you connected to God and your faith?
- What are some areas of your faith life you’d like to work on? What has gotten out of shape over the summer?
- Are there any activities or practices you might commit to as a group? How can you track your progress and stay accountable?