A new Pew Research Center study on religion released last week revealed declining numbers of people — especially Millennials — identifying as religious. The study showed that the percentage of the U.S. population that identifies as Christian has dropped to 70%. In addition, some one-third of Millennials say they are not affiliated with any faith. These are the “nones” we hear so much about. Declining church attendance and affiliation has been a sad trend in the United States. The question for church communities is how to reach out to those who don’t identify as religious. Share this article about the recent study with young adults and discuss its findings and ideas for how your young adult community can be a witness to others.
- What’s your reaction to the study? Are you surprised?
- What’s one question you have for the people who identify as “nones” in this survey? What would you like to learn from them?
- How do you talk with family or friends who don’t identify as religious about your faith or church community? How might you take those conversations and ideas and use them to help you reach people you don’t know who are disconnected from the church?
- What can your young adult group do over the summer to try and reach beyond your own walls and into the community? How can you connect with other young people who are not already a part of your church community?