Known to Britons around the world as the funniest day of the year, “Red Nose Day” is a biennial fundraising event hosted by the BBC and organized by the charity Comic Relief. Red Nose Day, which takes its name from the nose a clown wears, has dominated British television screens every other spring for the last 30 years and raised more than a billion dollars in the process. Now, Red Nose Day is taking the United States by storm. Last Thursday night, an American Red Nose Day special aired to high ratings. Hosted by Craig Ferguson, the broadcast also featured Emma Watson, Zac Efron, Liam Neeson, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, and many more. The goal of the event is to “be funny for money,” and raise funds to help children in need, through charities like the Children’s Health Fund, Save the Children, Feeding America, and Covenant House.
- Are there any major television events that you tune in for every year?
- How can celebrities and the media use their influence to better the world?
- Who are your favorite celebrities? What about them do you admire?