Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday, a day set aside for giving after a weekend of spending (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday). It can be difficult in our commercialism-saturated world to focus on the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas seasons and remember those who are less fortunate. #GivingTuesday is a chance to reclaim some of that special meaning and support a cause that is important to you. Remember, “support” can mean more than simply a financial gift. You can support causes with your prayers, times, and talents, too. Talk with young adults about the ways they plan to keep the giving spirit at the forefront this Advent and Christmas Season.
- Have you heard of #GivingTuesday? What causes or organizations do you plan to support?
- What ways (other than donations) do or can you support the causes that are important to you? What have these contributions meant to you personally?
- How do you plan to keep an emphasis on giving and helping others this Advent/Christmas Season?