Tis the Season! Gifts for your family, gifts for your friends and your boss, gifts for your sig-o…we make our lists and check them twice this time of year. It can be easy to become overwhelmed with the consumerism and commercialization of Christmas. The challenge is to stay focused on the real meaning of the season and honor the tradition of giving gifts because we love and care and not because our culture tells us it’s what we must do!
Busted Halo has several articles to help you out this time of year. First, a list of creative gift exchange ideas that include a few that are cost efficient — and fun! Up next, if you’re tired of feeding the bottom line of retailers like Best Buy and Target, check out this list of gifts that give and give back. Finally, one of the most challenging gifts of all can be for your significant other, especially if you are a new couple. Busted Halo tries to take some of the pressure off with this Q/A about gift-giving in relationships.
Share these articles with young adults and then have a conversation about how they plan to honor the meaning of the season with their gifts this Christmas season:
- Who is the most difficult person you have to buy for?
- How do you balance the true meaning of Christmas with the commercial frenzy that surrounds us?
- What are some of your “alternative” or creative gift-giving ideas?