The world is abuzz with the Summer Olympics. One particular American athlete has made quite an impression at these games: Gabby Douglas. Her smile has captured people’s hearts. And her athletic ability has helped the US women’s gymnastics team bring home the gold. Not to mention that Gabby won an individual all-around gold, as well. Her poise and calm might have something to do with her faith. Gabby tweeted this last Saturday: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go!” Share this article about Gabby with young adults and talk about how their faith helps them in stressful or challenging times:
- What are the times in your life when you feel stressed or challenged by others’ expectations for you?
- Is there a particular verse or story from scripture that helps to focus or calm you when you are felling stressed?
- What practices help you stay calm or encourage you?