The season of the summer blockbusters is upon us, even if the season of summer isn’t. Whether you head to an old-school drive-in movie theater or a more modern air-conditioned one, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the more spiritual side of the movies. Already this season Iron Man 3 and The Great Gatsby have provided some spiritual and ethical material for the movie goer’s soul. Share one or both of these articles about Iron Man 3 and The Great Gatsby from Busted Halo’s ongoing “Spiritual Side of Cinema” blog series and have a discussion about how these films are relevant to your faith lives.
- What did you think of the article(s)?
- How are the spiritual themes mentioned in the articles relevant to your life? To our society?
- If you’ve seen the movie(s), what other spiritual themes did you see playing out on screen? What did these movies make you think about?