Paul Jarzembowski outlines what’s at stake when planning young adult ministry. This list motivates us to grow young adult ministry in our parish, campus, and community:
What happens if we fail to connect with young adults?
We may never get the attention of a whole generation of men and women whose focus is solely on their transitions — further emptying our pews and churches.
We can damage the Church’s reputation. If we aren’t seen as helpful or present in the critical times of young adult life, young adults won’t trust us now and even into the future (if and when they do feel settled and secure).
Without young adults, our churches may very well lose their dynamism, vibrancy, and an energetic enthusiasm to bring the Gospel to the world.
Young adults will continue to struggle and their pace may get even more frantic, and without connecting with them, some may never know the love and hope that Jesus and the Church can offer them.
We won’t be able to fully live up to the mission given to us by Christ to tend to those who need us the most (check out Matthew 25:31-46 — powerful stuff!).
Read more about the young adults we are trying to reach with our ministry efforts in the Essentials section of Young Adult Ministry in a Box.