Young adults are seeking spiritual formation outside of Sunday Mass. It is important to know where to reach them. Here are some ideas from Paul Jarzembowski:
- Online: It’s the primary way to connect with friends and build lasting relationships (including marriage) — and the most trusted place to learn new things and spend all their time.
- @ Work (or Campus): Young adults are overworked, overwhelmed, and overcommitted, so chances are, on Sunday mornings, they are either working overtime or taking a much-needed rest.
- With Friends and Family: Young adults crave community — and with any free time, use it to connect with friends and family (either through social media or in person).
- Praying: Surprisingly, even though young adults are going to church less often, studies show that many do strive for a spiritual life — through personal prayer, meditation and exercise, among other spiritual disciplines
There are more tips for finding young adults in the Essentials section of Young Adult Ministry in a Box.