The Fortnight for Freedom is a two-week period of prayer, education, and action in support of religious liberty. Last year, there were events around the country, including events geared toward young adults. Here are some ideas for celebrating the Fortnight for Freedom this year:
- Use this Young Adult Ministry in a Box Step-by-Step Program to host a cookout event that helps young adults reflect on the topic of freedom in light of their Catholic faith.
- Young adults and young adult ministries can “like” the Fortnight for Freedom Facebook event page and share it on their own social media pages.
- Host a young adult movie night and show For Greater Glory or A Man for All Seasons.
- Ask a parish to host a holy hour for young adults to pray for religious liberty.
- Organize a wine and cheese event at a local winery with a Catholic musician, as the Archdiocese of Washington did last year (“Be the Conscience” event). See photos here.
These are just a few ideas for young adult ministries to connect with Fortnight efforts. Share your Fortnight for Freedom plans (including website links, event flyers, and photos) with Hillary Byrnes, lead staff to the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, at so that these events can also be posted on the USCCB’s Fortnight diocesan activities page.
Check the main Fortnight for Freedom website — — for resources that may be helpful in planning events for your parish.